buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title John Doe | Web Developer style.css header class hero nav class nav-container div John Doe class logo div class nav-links a About href #about a Projects href #projects a Skills href #skills a Contact href #contact div class hero-content h1 Hi, I'm John Doe p Full-Stack Web Developer & UI/UX Enthusiast a Let's Connect class cta-button href #contact main section id about class about-section h2 About Me div class about-content p I craft elegant solutions to complex problems. With 5 years of experience in web development, I specialize in creating responsive, accessible, and performant web applications. div class profile-image img profile.jpg alt John Doe profile picture section id projects class projects-section h2 Featured Projects div class project-grid article class project-card h3 Project Alpha p E-commerce platform built with modern web standards div class tech-stack span HTML5 span CSS3 span JavaScript article class project-card h3 Project Beta p Real-time data visualization dashboard div class tech-stack span WebSocket span Canvas span JavaScript article class project-card h3 Project Gamma p Progressive Web App for productivity div class tech-stack span ServiceWorker span IndexedDB span JavaScript section id skills class skills-section h2 Skills & Expertise div class skills-grid div class skill-category h3 Frontend ul li HTML5/CSS3 li JavaScript li Responsive Design div class skill-category h3 Backend ul li Node.js li RESTful APIs li Database Design div class skill-category h3 Tools ul li Git li VS Code li Command Line section id contact class contact-section h2 Let's Work Together form class contact-form div class form-group label Name for name input type text id name required true div class form-group label Email for email input type email id email required true div class form-group label Message for message textarea id message required true button Send Message type submit class submit-button footer div class footer-content div class social-links a LinkedIn href a GitHub href a Twitter href p Made with passion by John Doe script.js